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What are staff up to
This thread will be one that gets updated with things as they happen, a bit of a public changelog of the more backend stuff that goes on

There's gonna be 3 main things kept track of here
1) projects/things that staff are currently working on
2) fixed issues or changes that have happened
3) bug reports and similar that we have on our list of things to do but for one reason or another are not able to fix at this moment

So I'll start off with a big chunk of things we've done in the recent past

 [Projects staff are working on]

- We have been working on, and are continuing to work on, consolidating the multiple tutorials that are server run into one area with one build theme (that area being warp FAQ) so that it is less confusing as to where the different tutorials are
- We are trying to keep warp rules as the up-to-date and more comprehensive rules area in-game, as people generally don't go to forums as often as they used to
- other projects are always in the works as well - the build competition took a couple months to get out from the start of building it
-Anniversary prep :3
-things Big Grin

 [Fixed issues and changes staff have made]

-Shulker boxes now auto lock instead of being unlocked, oak fences are now able to be locked
-auction plugin was added to reduce chat spam and allow people to opt out from seeing them
-All the mob disguises that were missing from VIP were added (like ravagers, foxes, bees, etc)
-link to the full forum rulebook was added in /rules (even if the sentence cut off a bit )
- fixed an issue with people joining and not gaining Guest rank
-Opened /warp rules
-adjusted the restart time to 4 hours instead of 3, as the server hasn't been as laggy since an update 
-animals now despawn if there's more than 40 per chunk 
-re-added fastcraft, along with the ability to toggle it with /fcoff and /fcon
-fixed the autorankup issues we were having for almost all ranks
-Had a claimblock sale so that people could properly claim stuff
-Autorestart time changed to 5h
-fixed the bug where /unclaim turns off fly
-Auto restart time changed to 6h
- issues with things getting stuck in artmap inventory from /gift have been fixed
- the rtp message has 'second' written twice- has been fixed
- light gray shulker boxes lock now
- /lay works again along with sitting on stairs, slabs, and carpets
- You can log into the server with a 1.16 client (We are not on 1.16 and have no 1.16 blocks but you can log in with the later version now)
- flyspeed 10 set to be equal to the old flyspeed 5, so there's no need to ban higher values any more

- Res Reset
- Slots update. Water, end, and spawn egg machines now have custom sounds
- Area added to warp faq which displays armour stands with pre-set poses that you can buy (instead of making your own poses)
- Updates to many plugins for 1.16, including WildTP being replaced by BetterRTP
- Death drops protection fixed for nether and resnether
- Fast leaf decay plugin re-enabled
- Fire from bed explosions in resnether disabled
- Crimson/Warped doors and door variants can now be locked with lwc
- Barrels and shulker boxes can now be used to make chestshops
- Modification to EpicRename to allow enchantment names on /rename (but not on /lore)
- the descriptions of VIP on the website have been updated
- mpet is no longer in use 
- Chestshop has been updated
- We've updated to 1.16.1
- Added being sent your death coords upon death
- Added verification for overwriting sethomes
- Added Invisible Item Frames as something you can buy from the server
- [Warp] and [Disposal] Signs can now be made on warped/crimson signs
- Updated LWC, can now create 'display' chests and /cmodify people to donation/display chests
- Added /pets for VIP
- Trekkie made a plugin to allow you to get the tokens from voting while offline
- Various new death messages added
- &k has been properly blocked on rename 
-/warp towntutorial and /warp evictiontutorial have been put into place to help with towns and explain what staff will/wont to in the case of an eviction
- New nether world was added
- Flight in new nether world was enabled

[Bug reports we know about and are working to fix but haven't been able to yet]

 -being in the creative world on a restart has a small chance to wipe your inventory
 -pressure plates override locks on doors
 -homes set on carpet or slabs can kill you in major lag
 - /trapped is broken
 - the autorestart message has grammatical errors
 - enter messages now apply each time you go through a subdivision, doesn't matter if the subdivision has any extra/different perms or not, it will send again upon going through it
 - if someone tries to tp into a noenter claim that also happens to have a WorldGuard no-fly flag on it, they will be dropped from where they were flying even though they didn't enter the claim
- PvP is enabled when someone is /sit 'ing or /lay 'ing
Updated- bug fixes

-Autorestart time changed to 5h
-fixed the bug where /unclaim turns off fly

Bug reports
- enter messages now apply each time you go through a subdivision, doesn't matter if the subdivision has any extra/different perms or not, it will send again upon going through it
- if someone tries to tp into a noenter claim that also happens to have a WorldGuard no-fly flag on it, they will be dropped from where they were flying even though they didn't enter the claim

Autorestart time upped to 6h

Issues with things getting stuck in artmap inventory

Bug fixes/updates

- issues with things getting stuck in artmap inventory from /gift have been fixed
- the rtp message has 'second' written twice- has been fixed
- light gray shulker boxes lock now
- /lay works again along with sitting on stairs, slabs, and carpets
- You can join with a 1.16 client (We are not on 1.16 and have no 1.16 blocks but you can join with a later client)

- flyspeed 10 set to be equal to the old flyspeed 5, so there's no need to ban higher values any more
- Res Reset
- Slots update. Water, end, and spawn egg machines now have custom sounds
- Area added to warp faq which displays armour stands with pre-set poses that you can buy (instead of making your own poses)
- Updates to many plugins for 1.16, including WildTP being replaced by BetterRTP
- Death drops protection fixed for nether and resnether
- Fast leaf decay plugin re-enabled
- Fire from bed explosions in resnether disabled
- Crimson/Warped doors and door variants can now be locked with lwc
- Barrels and shulker boxes can now be used to make chestshops
- Modification to EpicRename to allow enchantment names on /rename (but not on /lore)
- /ct public allows crops to be harvested (excluding ones that you break such as melons, pumpkins, and chorus flowers)
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
Bug fixes/updates:

- the descriptions of VIP on the website have been updated
- mpet is no longer in use
- Chestshop has been updated
- We've updated to 1.16.1
- Added being sent your death coords upon death
- Added verification for overwriting sethomes
- Added Invisible Item Frames as something you can buy from the server
- [Warp] and [Disposal] Signs can now be made on warped/crimson signs
- Updated LWC, can now create 'display' chests and /cmodify people to donation/display chests
- Added /pets for VIP
- Trekkie made a plugin to allow you to get the tokens from voting while offline
- Various new death messages added
- &k has been properly blocked on rename
-/warp towntutorial and /warp evictiontutorial have been put into place to help with towns and explain what staff will/wont to in the case of an eviction
- New nether world was added
- Flight in new nether world was enabled

PvP is enabled on ppl in /lay or /sit


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