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Just Wondering since its been awhile - Printable Version

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Just Wondering since its been awhile - Bigassmofo0204 - 03-16-2024

Hello everyone,

Hoping some of the OG Admins can help me out. I've been gone quite awhile just wondering if any of my in-game perks or vip status is still there. Still in China for work, but miss Hometown and hoping the new internet service is fast enough to not lag out. 

Thanks BamBigAssMofo

RE: Just Wondering since its been awhile - TheDutyPaid - 03-16-2024

Hi, VIP is for life as well as rank based on votes.
Looking at your forum posts, I think you were last active in 2016?
The server reset in September of 2019 but since then, many a fine and exciting build has been made, so much to see and experience.

Hope to see you online soon.

RE: Just Wondering since its been awhile - Bigassmofo0204 - 03-17-2024

I logged in just yesterday and it showed that I was just a guest. Could it be that I have been gone too long that when I re-downloaded Minecraft it asked me to enter a name I named "BigAssMofo", before I was "Bigassmofo0204". If so could my ranks be reinstated?
-Thank you for your time

RE: Just Wondering since its been awhile - Bigassmofo0204 - 03-17-2024

This time I logged in with my home pc my name became my xbox gamer tag "Nunkulonisa"   XD...... xbox and mojang working together is really tripping me out

RE: Just Wondering since its been awhile - melaniebeedot - 03-18-2024

I've located your previous account (Bigassmofo0204) and I can see that you held the rank of Trusted which is now called Expert, as well as VIP3, so I can move those over to your new account (BigAssMofo) if you'd like?

RE: Just Wondering since its been awhile - Bigassmofo0204 - 03-18-2024

Hello Melanie,

Thank you so much!
So I've just logged in with both my PC and confirmed my ingame name is "Nunkulonisa".
It would much appreciated for reinstating  my gamer rank and vip rank to the name "Nunkulonisa"

Once again thank you for your time!

RE: Just Wondering since its been awhile - melaniebeedot - 03-18-2024

Oh, .Nunkulonisa, you're on bedrock now? If that's what you'd prefer... I'll take care of it for you.

Welcome back!

RE: Just Wondering since its been awhile - Bigassmofo0204 - 03-18-2024

been gone awhile so I don't really know the difference. Is there any advantage to either one? what does most people use?

after a long consideration Im going to stick with java, which is under the name BigAssMofo.

Sorry for the trouble Mel, thank you for helping me out